La ECA apoya los esfuerzos de los senadores mexicanos para crear una comisión investigadora autónomo para los casos de pederastia clerical.
DECEMBER 19, 2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
This year 2019 is ending without the Holy See depositing for the third time, at the request of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the periodic report that gives an account of the fulfillment of the obligations contracted by subscribing to and being part of the Convention […]
+ Historic verdict in Argentina.
+ Abuse survivors say statute of limitations keeps priests and the church from taking responsibility.
+ CRIN Report: Justice for survivors of child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church in Latin America.
November 24, 2019
MENDOZA, Argentina. In Pope Francis’s homeland, two priests were found guilty on Monday of sexually abusing deaf children at a Catholic-run school in Argentina and sentenced to more than 40 years in prison.
Pope Francis issues new church law on abuse and cover-up with little if no changes in current law.
Law allows bishops to keep child abusers in ministry with no consequences for bishops that cover. up sex crimes
Statement by Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA)
Peter Isely, […]
New legislation to modify Papal Concordat to be presented today
Global groups fighting clergy abuse support Argentine survivors at the Congress
Bill would prevent Argentine bishops and the Vatican from using the Concordat to prevent justice for survivors, withhold documents and evidence in criminal and civil cases brought by victims
Where: Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress, Rivadavia 1864, C1033AAV CABA
When: 15:30pm […]
May 7, 2019
His Holiness, Pope Francis
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City.
Dear Pope Francis,
We are survivors of rape and sexual assault as children by priests of Argentina. We are your fellow citizens of Argentina.
For six long years we have been waiting for you to return home to us and fulfill your promise to us. We are waiting for zero tolerance for […]
Pope Francis will not come to Argentina so Argentine survivors will go to him.
New organization of Argentine survivors intends to send a delegation to Rome, led by deaf survivors of Mendoza and La Plata.
Pope said today he does not intend to return to Argentina.
Survivors will be asking Argentine papal ambassador to Rome to arrange the meeting.
Who: […]
News conference 12 noon MONDAY in Mendoza, Argentina.
Two global groups join Próvolo victims in Mendoza to demand reparations and transparency from church authorities.
Groups will call on Pope to discipline Mendoza archbishop for his lack of cooperation with civil justice.
Groups will call on Congress to amend Argentina’s treaty with the Holy See.
Papal concordat allows the […]