An Unlikely Alliance: Survivors and Clergy Demand ‘One Strike and You’re Out’ Church Mandate on Abuse and Cover-Ups
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE An Unlikely Alliance: Survivors and Clergy Demand 'One Strike and You’re Out' Church Mandate on Abuse and Cover-Ups November 18, 2024 | Rome, Italy — On World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse, survivor-advocates from ECA (Ending Clergy Abuse) and ecclesiastical safeguarding experts from the IADC (Institute of Anthropology’s Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Dignity and Care) will present a bold zero-tolerance proposal to reform Canon Law at 11 a.m. at the Villa Aurelia (Via Leone XIII, 459, [...]
MEDIA ADVISORY | An Unlikely Alliance: Survivors and Clergy Call for a Universal ‘One Strike and You’re Out’ Church Mandate on Abuse and Cover-Ups
WHAT: At a news conference in Rome to mark the United Nations' World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse, a diverse group of survivors, advocates and theologians will unveil a landmark zero-tolerance proposal calling for sweeping reforms to Canon Law, aimed at confronting the Catholic Church's ongoing clergy sexual abuse crisis head-on. WHEN: Monday, November 18, 2024, at 11:00 AM (local time) WHERE: Inside the Villa Aurelia, Via Leone XIII, 459, 00165, Rome WHY: Nearly six years after the [...]
There are many scandals related to the clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church and their sodomic behavior. No one can deny this. Abuse and sexual exploitation is abnormal predatory behavior. It is rarely talked about that Orthodox churches have the same, and according to information, maybe even worse prevalence of pedophile and homosexual scandals, but unfortunately they do not get the media attention they have in the Catholic Church. There is very little or no discussion on this issue among [...]
ZT Colloquium June 2024 – featuring Murray Heasley, Father Jim Connell, and Tom Doyle
World’s leading coalition of clergy abuse victims forms historic collaboration with Catholic Church’s top anti-abuse experts
World’s leading coalition of clergy abuse victims forms historic collaboration with Catholic Church’s top anti-abuse experts The two sides meet for three days in Rome to create a new “zero tolerance” norm for abusive clergy They will jointly present their proposal in September Photo: Simone Padovani/Ending Clergy Abuse For the first time in the history of the clergy sex abuse crisis, a global network of clergy abuse survivors is joining forces with the church’s top anti-abuse experts to create [...]
ECA Mentioned in New York Times and AP articles on Theodore McCarrick
The work of Eca's members continues to appear in major international magazines, such as the New York Times and APNews. The voice of survivors is fundamental for achieving the Zero Tolerance Law in th Catholic Church, in order to stop abuses on children and cover ups! APNews New York Times