Global groups call on Pope to release church files

Global groups call on Pope to release church files on former cardinal McCarrick and others.

Groups condemn false conflation of sexual orientation and sexual violence in former Vatican ambassador’s letter as “wrong and dangerous”.

Washington D.C. — AUG. 30. 2018. Clergy sex abuse survivors and human rights attorneys today are calling upon Pope […]

2018-08-30T16:48:25+00:00August 30th, 2018|0 Comments

TODAY, News Conf, Dublin – Abuse experts & survivors: Did Pope meet expectations?  

U.S. research group adds more offenders to database of abusive Irish priests.

Irish response to list in last week has been ‘stunning’.

Global survivors & abuse experts will join news conference: ‘Did Pope’s visit meet expectations?’


Monday, August 27, 10:30am


Site of old Magdalene Laundry on Sean McDermott Street, Dublin

– A U.S. abuse expert who co-leads the research and abuse-tracking group

– Five prominent clergy sex […]

2018-08-27T03:10:48+00:00August 27th, 2018|0 Comments

Three Actions to #EnditNow

According to Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA), any plan by the Pope must include these 3 actions:

1. Enact global zero tolerance for any abusive cleric and superior’s complicity. Even one substantiated act of child sexual abuse or cover-up, no matter when it occurred, will result in their permanent removal from ministry or office.

2. Create a global public registry of all clergy with […]

2018-08-26T19:22:53+00:00August 26th, 2018|0 Comments

Ex Papal Nuncio accuses Pope of covering up for former Cardinal:  ECA responds

Ex Papal Nuncio accuses Pope of covering up for former Cardinal:  ECA responds.

Statement by Peter Isely, Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA) Founding Member and Spokesperson.,
+14144297259 (available GMT).

In a memo made public this morning by conservative US Catholic news outlets, former Papal Nuncio to the U.S. Carlo Maria Viganò accuses Pope Francis of knowing since at least June 2013 of the allegations […]

2018-08-26T14:56:21+00:00August 26th, 2018|0 Comments

ECA is in the New York Times

The ECA in Ireland Team was mentioned in the New York Times.

For Full Article click below:



Ending Clerical Abuse, which has identified victims from over 172 countries worldwide, also called on the church to publicly identify abusive clerics, and to prosecute complicit bishops in church tribunals.


2018-08-26T05:26:07+00:00August 26th, 2018|0 Comments

Again, Pope Francis does not tell us how he is going to end the sexual abuse crisis

Again, Pope Francis does not tell us how he is going to end the sexual abuse crisis.

 Why is Cardinal Wuerl still a Cardinal?

 Statement by Peter Isely, ECA Founding Member and Spokesperson.

Today as he arrived in Ireland Pope Francis has once again missed another opportunity to seriously and concretely tell the world what he is going to do about the child sexual […]

2018-08-25T18:26:49+00:00August 25th, 2018|0 Comments

Global group: ‘Pope’s commission needs new leader’

Prominent clergy sex abuse survivors & activists urge changes in leadership of Pope’s abuse commission.

Global group: ‘Pope’s commission needs new leader’.

‘After four years, commission has failed to deliver’.

Group also will respond to safeguarding session at World Meeting of Families.

[Note: This is an expanded version of an advisory we sent previously]

Availability begins at 12 Noon, Friday August 24. News conf/panel […]

2018-08-24T04:37:10+00:00August 24th, 2018|0 Comments

Leading survivors & activists to react to safeguarding discussion at WMOF

Leading survivors & activists to react to safeguarding discussion at WMOF.

Global survivors’ group to convene a news conference/panel shortly after the WMOF safeguarding session.

News conference will feature former member of Pope’s child protection commission who was removed for being too outspoken.


Availability begins at 12 Noon, Friday August 24. News conf/panel […]

2018-08-23T14:56:12+00:00August 23rd, 2018|0 Comments

Global survivors to Pope Francis: 3 things you must do now to end clergy abuse

Global survivors to Pope Francis: 3 things you must do now to end clergy abuse

The words require planning and action. These 3 actions, group says, will turn the corner on clergy sex abuse and cover-ups

In yesterday’s letter by the Pope,‘Letter to the People of God’, Francis correctly identifies sexual abuse as a crime, not just a sin. That is why the […]

2018-08-24T04:22:18+00:00August 22nd, 2018|0 Comments
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