Victims of clergy abuse to protest, launch new NGO, outside Metropolitan Cathedral

Groups will visually highlight number of abusive clergy still hidden in Argentine church

Groups estimate number of clergy offenders in Argentina is 1,302

Likely number of victims, they say, is more than 15,000

New victims will tell their stories

Survivors will flyer parishioners with information about reaching out to hidden victims

Who: 10-15 Argentine victims of sexual abuse by clergy, joined by leaders from Ending […]

2019-05-05T12:29:52+00:00May 5th, 2019|0 Comments

Survivors of clergy abuse to meet Monday in Rome with Argentine Ambassador to the Holy See.

Crédito: L”Osservatore Romano.

Meeting in advance of actions and protests this week in Buenos Aires and Mendoza.

Groups want Pope Francis to visit his home country and resolve growing clergy abuse crisis there, enact “true” zero tolerance.

Papal Concordat with Argentina must be amended in cases of child sex crimes, groups say.

Link to […]

2019-04-28T08:23:31+00:00April 28th, 2019|0 Comments

Letter to Argentina’s Ambassador to the Holy See.

April 29, 2019.

The Honorable Rogelio Francisco Emilio Pfirter,
Embassy of Argentina in Rome, Italy,
Piazza dell’Esquilino 2,
00185 Roma,

Dear Ambassador,

We are writing to you as a global network of survivors of clergy abuse, activists, and organizations on behalf of and in solidarity with the survivors of Argentina.

As you know, the bishops of Argentina are in Rome […]

2019-04-28T08:33:57+00:00April 28th, 2019|0 Comments

Global groups will join forces with clergy abuse victims in Argentina May 2-6

Public actions and protests to be held in Buenos Aires and Mendoza.

Survivors and activists will urge Pope Francis to “come home” and enact “zero tolerance” for abuse.

Argentina, groups say, is “ground zero” for Pope’s promise of “an all-out battle” against abuse and cover-up.

(See below for complete schedule of public and media events)

Buenos Aires, April […]

2019-04-26T17:37:48+00:00April 25th, 2019|0 Comments

Declaración Pública sobre Pedro Salinas y Pao Ugaz


10 de abril de 2019.

La Organización Mundial Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA), instancia que reúne a sobrevivientes de abusos en contexto clerical y a activistas por los derechos humanos, manifiesta su categórico rechazo y preocupación por la reciente sentencia del 1er Juzgado Unipersonal Penal de Piura, […]

2019-04-11T04:02:02+00:00April 11th, 2019|0 Comments

Survivors from around the globe welcome US federal investigation of Pennsylvania dioceses but inquiry needs to be nationwide

US justice officials are well behind Australia and other countries.

October 18, 2018. Today it was learned that the US Justice Department has finally launched an investigation into the sex abuse of children and the cover up of those crimes in the dioceses of Pennsylvania. This is a long overdue and significant development.  It […]

2018-10-19T05:09:19+00:00October 19th, 2018|0 Comments

Three Actions to #EnditNow

According to Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA), any plan by the Pope must include these 3 actions:

1. Enact global zero tolerance for any abusive cleric and superior’s complicity. Even one substantiated act of child sexual abuse or cover-up, no matter when it occurred, will result in their permanent removal from ministry or office.

2. Create a global public registry of all clergy with […]

2018-08-26T19:22:53+00:00August 26th, 2018|0 Comments

Global survivors to Pope Francis: 3 things you must do now to end clergy abuse

Global survivors to Pope Francis: 3 things you must do now to end clergy abuse

The words require planning and action. These 3 actions, group says, will turn the corner on clergy sex abuse and cover-ups

In yesterday’s letter by the Pope,‘Letter to the People of God’, Francis correctly identifies sexual abuse as a crime, not just a sin. That is why the […]

2018-08-24T04:22:18+00:00August 22nd, 2018|0 Comments
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