Warsaw protest to demand investigation of pedophilia in Poland’s church.

Reported by Donald Snyder NCR online. October 4, 2018.

Childrens’ shoes are seen Aug. 26 on the fence of the Church of Saint Florian in Krakow, Poland, for victims of pedophilia in that diocese. (Jakub Porzycki/Agenja Gazeta).

Child sexual abuse survivor and victims’ advocate Marek Lisinski is leading a march Oct. 7 in Warsaw to protest pedophilia in Poland’s Catholic Church. Lisinski, 50, is president of Don’t Be Afraid Foundation, an organization that counsels and operates a hotline for survivors of sexual abuse.

The Oct. 7 protest will demand the establishment of a government commission to evaluate the extent of pedophilia in the church and to aggressively prosecute sex offenders. No church or government statistics on pedophilia in Poland are available, but newspaper accounts and court data suggest there is a significant problem.

Marek Lisinski speaking at ECA’s Press Conference in June 2018 in Geneva. (Photo by Simone Padovani) CONTACT: Marek Lisinski. Email: media@nielekajciesie.org.pl

Marek Lisinski is one of the Founding Members of ECA, Ending Clergy Abuse. ECA is a global justice organization of prominent clergy abuse survivor leaders and human rights activists from over 18 countries and 4 continents. ECA compels the Roman Catholic Church to end clergy abuse, especially child sexual abuse, in order to protect children and to seek justice for victims. https://www.ecaglobal.org – @ENDCLERGYABUSE –contactus@ecaglobal.org

Marek Lisinski.
Email: media@nielekajciesie.org.pl