Evelyn Korkmaz, co-founding member of Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA), and survivor of St. Anne’s Residential School, will meet with the Pope on Friday, July 29, 2002. Her message is simple, I’ve waited 50 years for this apology and he must also- SHOW US THE RECORDS–
Shared from Evelyn’s Facebook page:
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
‘This is our country. We welcomed you to our country and we were shown disrespect. Throughout his time here, I am hoping His Holiness extends his apology with a plan on how he will work with us to try to achieve reconciliation. There was no mention of releasing the documents that are filled with our history. These documents hold where the lost souls were buried. These documents hold the identification of these children. It would give their family and loved ones closure. Closure is needed in order for everyone to move on. That is all we asked for. The documents belong here in Canada, it is our history.’ – St. Anne’s Residential School Survivor, Evelyn Korkmaz, addresses media following His Holiness Pope Francis’ apology.
ECA supports the demand of Evelyn Korkmaz and calls on Pope Francis, before he leaves Canada, to state that all records held by Catholic entities regarding the residential schools will be made available as was the promise on December 17, 2019 when he abolished the pontifical secret in the case of sexual violence and the abuse of minors committed by members of the clergy. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2019-12/pope-abolishes-pontifical-secret-sexual-abuse-clergy.html
Contact: Tim Law, Co-Founder/Board Member ECA: Ending Clergy Abuse; Email: timalaw@aol.com ;Tel: +1-206-412-0165; ECA: Ending Clergy Abuse – Global Justice Project, 5017 37TH Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98126; https://www.ecaglobal.org/ ; @endclergyabuse
Dr. Denise Buchanan, ECA Global Coordinator/ Board and Co-Founding Member; ECA: Ending Clergy Abuse – Global Justice Project; Tel: +1310-980-2770; https://www.ecaglobal.org/ ; @endclergyabuse
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