This is a unique moment in the history of humanity as each of us in the world faces unprecedented challenges. Let us be comforted in the knowing that we are all powerful individuals who chose to create and be a part of the global network of ECA in order to make a difference on the planet. We are always connected and constantly seeking ways to make this world a safer place for children and vulnerable adults.
As we take the time to remain safer at home in order that our global community may heal from this Covid-19 virus, situations like this may create more stress in survivors who feel alone. We think it is important to stay connected and to take this period to acknowledge and support each other. As a global community working to end clergy sexual abuse, we have turned our childhood pain into a force for justice. Great strides in this effort have been made around the world and although there have been set-backs, with our work and the persistent work of global survivors and advocates, we will continue to protect children and seek effective justice for victims. Let us continue to stand together to be a hope for others. For connections to our global partners, visit the contacts at: ECA GLOBAL PARTNERS
For those needing additional support, the SNAP network provides support to survivors who might be feeling alone, isolated, or just need someone to speak to. According to SNAP, “By reaching out to others, we can reduce those feelings of isolation and loneliness and restore some sense of control when everything feels out of control. While the rest of the world is social-distancing, you can get closer to your fellow survivors, just reach out and ask.” For anyone needing someone to speak to, SNAP has a national HelpLine. Call 1-877-SNAP-HEALS for help. Many SNAP leaders are also offering virtual support groups. For more information, visit the SNAP website:
In a historic verdict on November 2019 in Mendoza, Argentina, two priests were found guilty of sexually abusing deaf children at a Catholic-run school in Argentina and sentenced to more than 40 years in prison. See more details in ECA’s November Newsletter.
Global leaders from ECA GLOBAL, deaf clergy abuse survivors from Argentina and their attorneys from the Human Rights organization Xumek traveled to Geneva in February 2020 to present a report that questions ecclesiastical action in the case of the Antonio Próvolo Institute in Mendoza. The report was delivered to the United Nations Committee against Torture and the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, which in 2014 issued a series of recommendations for the Church to collaborate in the Ordinary Justice investigations into cases of sexual abuse.
Argentine deaf survivors and global leaders from the Mendoza-based human rights organization, Xumek, Ending Clergy Abuse: Global Justice Project (ECA),, Pathways Foundation, ACTS and SNAP, gathered in Rome to mark the first anniversary of the Pope’s global abuse summit. They requested a public meeting with Pope Francis but he ignored their request.
In Canada, ACTS Canada is there for you. ACTS (Advocates for Clergy Trauma Survivors in Canada) is a multi-partisan coalition of indigenous and non-indigenous advocates from coast-to-coast whose goal is to ensure that those who have experienced harm within religious institutions find justice and peace. Connect with ACTS on Facebook.
The Pathways Foundation in Newfoundland, Canada provides educational resources, confidential support networks, appropriate referrals and other direct services province-wide. Contact Pathways at:
Thank you Juan Pablo Barrientos, a journalist who revealed the action by the Prosecutor’s Office to inspect the headquarters of the Archdiocese of Villaviciencio in search of information on pedophile priests. “If the complaint had remained only in the complaints within the archbishopric, probably nothing would have happened, apart from passing the aggressors from one parish to another, or giving them a penance of prayer and reflection.”
“In cases of pedophile accusations in Colombia, the Church has wielded with its lawyers the Concordat between the Colombian State and the Holy See to leave the priests without punishment. With this judicial precedent, this defensive argument is broken again.” More Information here
Watch this space for more developments in Columbia.
In his latest podcast he interviews Dr. Tom Doyle who is a former priest and columnist for the National Catholic Reporter. Dr. Doyle addresses the many issues of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church from a unique perspective informed by nearly 40 years of research and advocacy.
Peter Isely, Savio Rodrigues and Joseph Kennedy are some of the other guests featured on “The Reckoning” podcasts.
If you have experienced childhood sexual abuse at the hands of a faith base institution in New Zealand and need some help to find some support,
members of their Network have lived experience that can help make the road a little easier to navigate. Contact them in confidence at: The Reckoning NZ
“Ending Sexual Violence Campaign”
If you experienced sexual violence or know of anyone who has, and you wish to talk to someone, reach The Totya Platform at our free and anonymous hotline: 0800 220 630
(Uganda only)
Sebastian Cuattromo, Argentina Survivor/Founder,
Adultxs por los derechos de la infancia
“As adult survivors of the crime of sexual abuse and as representatives of our collective association, we are happy to have met new colleagues who, like us, have the conviction to fight to end the sexual abuse of children in the world. It was a great pleasure…
Hopefully we can continue to work together for justice for survivors and for the protection of today’s children.” Sebatián Cuattromo and Silvia Piceda
Founding members of the Civil Association “Adults for Children´s Rights”
Zero Tolerance + Zero Cover Up = Truth and Justice
ECA’s Social Media Ambassadors Program is an exciting and easy way FOR YOU to get involved with ECA and to encourage existing members who know and love the mission of ECA to spread the word about ECA globally.
ECA will utilize Social Media Ambassadors to direct strong social media campaigns and ECA messages to target specific regions and issues relating to the sexual abuse of children by clergy.
ECA has a number of campaigns in the pipeline and we need you to get involved. Together we will #EnditNOW!
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