January 16, 2019.

His Holiness, Pope Francis.
Apostolic Palace.
00120 Vatican City.

Dear Pope Francis,

We are writing to you as global survivors of childhood clergy sexual abuse and human rights activists to urge you to include in your February summit members of our association, Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA).

We are survivors and activists from virtually every part of the world where the church has made a home over the long centuries.  In February, we will be present in Rome with approximately 45 participants from 21 countries and 5 continents. We will be standing outside peacefully but forcefully demanding action by you to effectively address the issue of clergy abuse of children and cover up.

It is our desire, however, to be inside the summit with you and your leadership to offer our direct participation, lived experience, and difficult wisdom. Your summit cannot succeed until the day you are willing to engage leaders of credible survivor and activists groups. We offer you this opportunity.

Respectfully yours,

Tim Law, President ECA Founding/Board Member
Tel: +1206.412.0165
Email: timalaw@aol.com

Sara de Jesus Oviedo Fierro, ECA Founding/Board Member
Tel: +593997289500
Email: sara.oviedofierro@gmail.com

Dr. Denise Buchanan, ECA Founding/Board Member
Tel: +1310.980.2770
Email: denise@ecaglobal.org